Monday 10 September 2012

A Brit Writers Interview with America Writers (AWA) CEO, Kim Ward…

Kim Ward
A Brit Writers interview with America Writers’ Awards (AWA) CEO, Kim Ward…

Tell us about yourself?

I am Kim Ward CEO of The America Writers and Swagger & Saddle Entertainment (SSE), LLC. I’m also the host of the Chattin in Manhattan radio show and Author Spotlight show. I am working on my forth book and I’m the Co-Founder of The Power of Giving. I was born and raised in Wisconsin but have spent a good deal of time travelling around the world exploring and taking in other cultures.
As the CEO of America Writers (AWA) I am always on the hunt for up and coming writers as well as classic authors who have changed the world. I love the written word and am inspired to help others see their potential as authors.
As CEO of SSE I search the world for stories and people who can inspire and motivate others to have and be more. I Co-Founded SSE with my business partner Garth Sandiford and together we are creating a new breed of entrepreneurs and dream seekers.

Why did you want to get involved with America Writers?

As a writer I support a little good old competition. It can help hone skills and give authors an edge. I really liked the way the Brit Writers (BWA) has taken writers and given them resources and support. The fact that the BWA also has a huge commitment to our youth and literacy programmes added to my interest in building the same programme with the AWA.

What kind of people do you interview on your radio show?

Chattin in Manhattan ( ) is reserved for the world’s most motivational speakers, best-selling authors, inspiring true life tales, celebrities, and the greatest teachers and minds on earth. We have interviewed many of the top ten motivational people in the world as well as dozens of best-selling authors. It is truly amazing to spend an hour on air tapping into the greatest minds in the universe. I have learned so much and love that I can bring this kind of knowledge to my audience.
I also do a show just for authors. Does not matter if you are self-published or a best-seller, all writing levels are welcomed on our show. It is a 30 minute interview where we spotlight an author’s works, their history, life and coming soon projects. It has helped many authors boost their sales and it gives their followers a behind the scene look at who they are.
My favorite author interview has been with best-selling author Robert Greene. It was fascinating to find out that he became an author because he was in the right place at the right time.

What books have you written?

I have published three books and have two more coming out this year. One of my favorite books is a book I wrote all about men who are Geeks. I interviewed men from around the world and did years of research to bring women the true facts on the kind of guy they should marry. I prove that Geeks are not only hot but wonderful companions and they have everything women really want in a mate. The book is called, Sexy Men and How to Date Them. I also wrote a book for men/women about dating. I spent years as a relationship expert and developed key ways to have endless dates and true happiness in love. The book is called, Dating with Swagger.

My latest book I co-authored with Garth and is based on a technology we developed to have success in life and business. The book is called , The KODE. It is due to be released by end of September.
In October my book, The Power of Giving will be released. This is my greatest accomplishment and it includes interviews with Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Mark Victor-Hansen, just to name a few. The book is like nothing ever done before. Each chapter is an interview with one of the world’s greatest minds. We interviewed 20 people in all. This book and concept is the effort of Getrude Matshe, Garth Sandiford and myself.

What is the Power of Giving?

The Power of Giving is not just a book but a movement. We are out to prove that the way to have success in life is by giving and as such we are giving away 80% of all proceeds from the book to others. We have set a goal to raise 8 million dollars to help others who have a dream, vision, mission or business. Anyone can apply at our website Anyone can also get involved. To be a sponsor you merely need to purchase 25 books.

How do you manage so many different projects?

Simply put, I’m a busy girl. But I am also a girl with a dream and vision to help others and to live a life that is inspiring. I am an adventure seeker, go getter and the more I have to work on the happier and more productive I become. There are so many brilliant individuals in this world who have their voice set on mute. I want to be the person who turns up the volume and gives them a chance to be great. Whether it is writers, speakers, entrepreneurs or humanitarians; I was born to extend my hand and help others rise. I love what I do and I am young enough yet to truly have many years to accomplish my mountain of goals. I am only getting started. I will be on the New York Times best-seller list, I will raise 8 million dollars, I will travel the world seeking out great minds, I will inspire the youth to read and write and along the way I am going to have fun.

How did you find this path in life?

There is only one way to find your destiny and that is to march head on into the future with no fear. You might not know where you are going, you might not have a vision at the time, but if you take some risks, keep an open mind and forget any fear, the universe will lead you in the right direction. I did not get to where I am without taking a few knocks along the way, making mistakes and even tasting failure. But no matter what happened during my journey I never gave up and I never stopped marching forward. Eventually one great thing leads to the next, and then the next and before I knew it success was knocking on my door. I still have the 40 rejection letters that I received from various agents and publishers. I might frame the cover of my best-selling book (when I get it, and it will be soon) and mail it to all of them! In life you never give up, and your path will become crystal clear. Every day I wake up and feel honored to work with people and organizations who want to make a difference, organizations like the BWA, AWA, SSE and POGP.

Thank you Kim.

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