Sunday, 18 November 2012

Brit Writers Blog - 'Fill your Paper..... ' by Danica Worthy

'Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart' ~William Wordsworth

Our hearts are all the same, when I sit down to write I think of all the different people that will gaze, and reflect upon the words I put to paper. I realized I struggled the most when I didn't let the words come straight from my heart. 

I believe to reach beyond barriers we must be authentic, write what you know what you have seen, and what you've learned along the way. Writing, and reading are a transportation devices that will take you to different worlds, it allows you to visualize the many different aspects of life ( how inviting is that). For  as long as I been reading and writing I've noticed that with every page turned, or words written I have been to every content on the map and beyond.

Through writing I've learned that our differences makes us similar, I've learned that we've all have been inspired by writers that have came before us and have left us a blue print to build our own legacies upon. We all have been blessed with stories to tell whether they are our own life story or our imagination opened up like a beautiful flower. Our duty as writers are to put the words from our hearts, and mind on paper and watch as it form new inspiration for the generations to come. I cherish every word that I read, and each connection I make allows me to feel like a universal ambassador.

The beauty of language, and written words, are it's ability to engage us all in some form. Write your hearts words, and open your soul to receive the gifts of the worlds love through literacy. I am writing with you, and I'm writing for you all.

by Danica Worthy

The Brit Writers Blog

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