Thursday 6 December 2012

Thank you Brit Writers' Awards 2012 - Becky Adams - Non-Fiction Award Winner

Becky Adams and Linda Dunscombe at the Brit Writers' awards' 2012
with ‘MADAM’
Earlier in 2012, inspired by winning ‘Publication of the Year ‘at the  Erotic Awards for my memoirs ‘MADAM’, I uploaded my manuscript to the Brit Writers website and sat back to have nice cup of tea. I then realised I’d not up-loaded the correct document, a synopsis or covering letter, and had in fact messed up the entire process.

I’d had a good read of the Brit Writers website, seen the quality of work that they do for schools and new authors and never considered for a moment that they would be impressed by my offering, especially as it had been my first attempt as writing anything and incorrectly submitted.  
Linda Dunscombe, my creative writing teacher from the lunchtime classes at the library kept telling me I’d written a jolly good book (with her help) and that I should have faith that the judges of the BWA would recognise that. I wasn’t convinced. I’d done my best, but my memoir felt to me like a comedy romp, an X-rated Bridget Jones rather than a great piece of prose worthy of the BWA.

‘MADAM’ is the tale of my 20 years running houses of ill repute with my friends. It’s a journey of friendship, loyalty and police harassment with a liberal sprinkling of transvestites and puppet fetishes.  It’s my life story, but not the sort of thing I’d normally read, so why would the judges?
To my utter amazement, I received a phone call to say MADAM has been short listed, and then at the beginning of December, there we were, in a taxi heading through a chilly, frost bitten London to the award ceremony.

Everybody looked wonderful and very literary! I lurked in the corners feeling a bit out of my depth and unsteady in my glittery shoes, but very soon the other finalists, photographers and the lovely organisers came to talk to me and when the dancers arrived the party really started.
So many amazing people! So much talent! As we were shown to our glamorous candlelit tables the excitement and expectation was palpable in the room.

Award ceremonies are a tricky mixture of humility and hope. To have your writing recognised is a great honour, so I sat with my fingers crossed under my napkin whilst practising my magnanimous ‘I’m not really disappointed’ face in case MADAM didn’t win, and I wasn’t expecting it to.

Tracey Wiggins opening poem was very moving and Holly Smith, Joel Cranefield and Mahla Andrews-Oakes, the children who won the under 16 awards were delightful and all had huge, well deserved rounds of applause. Mykel Hawke, America’s crazy version of Bear Grylls was hilarious and nearly made me choke on a tomato, ( he says tomahto) and the smashing looking lad at the back of the room who did the free-styling was brilliant and nearly made me cry.
Bivas Ambasada was the star of the show winning two awards, but I think he should have also won a prize for being the most photogenic chap with the best chin whiskers as the pictures will validate.

The food was smashing, and I was busy enjoying the cheesy mash in the main course when the Non-fiction award was announced. I think I stopped breathing, I know I stopped chewing and deftly wiped the gravy from my chin.

Mindy Gibbins-Klien from the Book Midwife and Ecademy Press was on stage with a sealed envelope announcing the finalists, and the winner is…Becky Adams and MADAM!
Good Lord! That was me!

As winning a Brit Writers Award was unexpected I’d not really prepared a speech, but luckily as a professional speaker I rustled something up on the way to the podium, and luckily for the audience I kept it 29 minutes shorter than usual.

I would really like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to Imran and everyone at the Brit Writers for the opportunity to submit my book, to Sinead for looking after us on the evening and all the wonderful people and performers who made it such a great fun.

I’m so grateful that winning the Brit Writers Award has given me the chance to work with the effervescent and amazingly efficient Mindy Gibbins-Klien who has offered me a publishing deal for my new business book, on which we are already working hard.

Good luck all you wonderful writers, keep up the good work and see you all next year!

Pictures courtesy of - RKL Photography


  1. Thank you - it was a pleasure to be there.

  2. An enjoyable evening and lovely to meet you and Linda. Paddy and Harry

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
