Saturday, 29 September 2012

Look – My Writing on a Website! by Sarah Gate

Hello all. First of all I would like to introduce myself to the others writers. My name is Sarah Gate and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to write a book.

It began when I was just a little girl. I wrote a story when I was ten and the teacher was impressed by it. Since then I have wanted everyone in the world to read everything I write.

I am addicted to seeing my work published, whether it be in the familiar pages of my local Leeds Guide or on my own blog. I am excited when I see that people have read something I have written - thrilled to the very core if I know they liked it. The first time I was published on a website I kept checking the page every day to see my name. Look! It’s me! My written work is somewhere where people can actually read it!

My passion to please people through words was always going lead to an attempt to write a book. Like most budding book writers, I have begun and ended numerous projects that I have not deemed good enough for publication. Who would ever have thought that doing something you love so much could be so – difficult!

I get tired and lazy. I get paranoid and confused. I get halfway through my book and decide I should start again. I have fallen ill with writers block and lost work when I broke my memory stick (happened when I was in Haiti – really long story).  I have a tirade of excuses I could give you as to why, almost six years after I had my first serious attempt at writing a novel, I still have not fully completed anything.

It is this journey I want to document with you through Brit Writers. I hope that by having you all here with me I may be further encouraged to give this a real go. I know in my heart that I will keep trying until I get there in the end. I can’t comprehend the idea that I might not. I believe that writing is something that is just within a person. Some people want to act. Some people want to paint. Some people want to write. 

I want to write. And I will.


  1. Well done, Sarah, and good luck with your writing.
    Wendy xxx

  2. Thank you Wendy! xx
