Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Brit Writers Awards Night by Indigo Dreams Publishing Ltd

Firstly, thanks to all at Brit Writers Awards for organising this evening, we had a great time, both for business and pleasure.
Indigo Dreams Publishing Ltd had a stand in the reception area which was well-attended and proved a great meeting point. Mind you, it was carefully set up next to the bar!

The event was co-hosted in her inimitable way by Sinead Gillespie, who had the tricky job of keeping the running order and time restrictions so that the event ran smoothly. Her humour and personality ensured this happened – and we were able to enjoy a glass of red with her afterwards as we couldn’t talk beforehand owing to mutual demands! Sinead’s novel But I love You is also in our 2013 schedules.

In the main awards room, the event commenced with the multi-talented Char March. Char moved everyone from their polite conversation to rousing cheers with her opening piece, which gave mention to the brave child who was recently shot by the Taliban. Here is just part of her poem:

All hail to Malala Yousafzai
whose skull head-butted the bullet
of extremism away.

Let me hear it – how many of us
will fight alongside Malala, brandishing
our pens as swords – for that essential life-breath:
of education,
of words,
of this, the simplest ever artform
– a cheap pencil, a scrap of paper,

and an imagination bigger than a zillion universes

The reception to this was outstanding. Char opened her time-slot by talking about her experience of being published by Indigo Dreams. It was a kind thing to do and really appreciated by us. She told the packed audience exactly what she felt – fortunately it was extremely positive!  
IDP are publishing Char's 3rd book with us, her short story collection Something Vital fell Through,  in 2013.

IDP were the Poetry Sponsors for 2012 and I talked generally  about poetry and Indigo Dreams major presence in the UK scene. It was a speech that included Adult Movies, limericks, the Poppet Laureate, a groundswell of poetry about cheese - well, you really had to be there! - before announcing the overall winner, Yvonne Marjot.  As well as the award, Yvonne will be working with IDP to produce her first full collection. More about this next year. Yvonne spent most of her life in New Zealand and now lives in Scotland,  joining the talented Scottish-based poets we have assembled – we’ll soon be needing a satellite office up there to cope! Many congratulations to Yvonne, she should feel very proud to have won such a strongly contested category.

It was a fantastic evening that will live long in the memory. And if any fiction / non-fiction authors would like us to consider their manuscript for publication, please email details to us. publishing@indigodreams.co.uk We're happy to support BWA.

Proud Sponsors of the Poetry - Adult Category 2012


  1. Sounds like a wonderful evening - culture, class and a good drop of red! Hope to make it next year. Ciao Catherine

    1. Hi Catherine, thanks for that. Be great if you were here next year - we could change the word 'drop' to 'bottle'!!

  2. Well done, Ronnie and Dawn, so glad it went well XX

  3. It went swimmingly Deborah. Two taxis and two trains there and back, plus leaving 11+ year old Soxx in kennels for the first time, but it was worth it - and Soxx forgave us!
