Saturday 15 December 2012

Brit Writers 2012 – Under 16s Poetry Finalist, Aakifah Aboobakar

Aakifah ( far right) and Family

What can I say, would anyone believe that I could even get into the Brit Writers Awards?
Seems almost impossible, but the word itself says 'I'm-Possible'. Words cannot describe just how much being a finalist meant for me. Being a young Muslim girl wearing the veil, it’s very hard to get my talent recognised, and my poetry appreciated.  Many people would look at me and think, she's a girl, she can’t write, writing poetry is the last thing she could do

Brit writers is not 'many people'
Brit writers judged me on my talent and not who I am or how I dress
I was utterly shocked when I found out I was a finalist
Because all this time I had kept my work hidden, I shied away from the world
Afraid of what they would think of me
But Brit Writers gave me courage
I’ve always dreamed of inspiring people through my writing
I dreamt of being at the awards,
The next thing I knew, I was at the awards
Brit Writers made my dream a reality
A chance to shine and show the world
That you can achieve anything
Regardless of who you are, where you come from or the colour of your skin.

The awards ceremony was something totally out of this world for me. One minute I was just an ordinary school girl, next second, I'm in a room full of inspiring writers and artists...
The evening was spectacular
At first, I was afraid
And I thought to myself how did I manage to come this far
ME, a girl no one would even look twice at in the street.
And I smiled
Because I knew
Writing is a gift, a natural talent that was given to me
And I deserve to be here
This was my chance to prove to the people that never thought for one second that I could achieve something so great,
To show every one, that it doesn't matter that I'm a Muslim, that I'm a girl or that I wear the veil
I am capable of reaching the same standards as others

Everyone at the awards was so welcoming with bright smiles and open hands
I felt like I belonged
That I was like everyone else in that room
A writer, of whatever form
I didn't win an award
But I realised that just being a finalist was winning for me
That I still managed to come this far from the other thousands of applicants.

Many people would judge me because I'm a girl, thinking that I cannot write, recite or perform poetry.
Many people would believe that this isn't right for a Muslim girl.
It's this ideology, that a girl can't do what a guy can.
I envy so many of the great male poetry artists out there, some that were at the awards
Because I know that I have the same talent and abilities, but most people do not believe so

Brit Writers allowed me to prove so many things to the world
They gave me a voice that could be heard, not just hidden in the shadows
Brit Writers has made me stronger and braver to step out of my small bubble and present myself to the world
As there are people out there that care, that want to listen, people who will accept me for who I am

Thank you to all my teachers and friends who encouraged and motivated me to come this far,
who never gave up on me and told me to keep on trying
Thank you to all the people at the awards, for accepting me and inspiring me to aim higher
Thank you to everyone at Brit Writers for making my dream come true.

'They're pushing me down
Because I'm a girl trying to turn around
This ideology
That a girl can't write her own lyrics or poetry
Aint I got the same talent as most men
Can't I do the same thing with a paper and pen
Like them
Then why, tell me why,
Do they push me down on the ground
But I won’t admit defeat
I’m going to make a sound
I'm not going to sit and frown
I'm going to write to my own beat..
They're just looking at the front door
Peeking through the window
Judging by what they see
But what they see is not what they really know..
Can't I do the same thing as most men
Have I not written this with a paper and pen
I'm going to write to my own beat
Poetry's the air I breathe...'

Aakifah Aboobakar

Pictures courtesy of RKL Photography

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