Wednesday 5 December 2012

Brit Writers' Awards' 2012 - A few words from our host Sinead Gillespie

Brit Writers' Awards' 2012, Thistle Hotel, Marble Arch
After weeks of secret discussions and piles of research on the growing guest list, it was very exciting to get to the Thistle Marble Arch and meet my co-hosts - Rebbecca Hemmings and Saima Mir and all the tech crew to check out the itinerary for the evening.

By the time it was ready to go, it all looked fabulous. We all looked fabulous! I have never presented anything on this scale before so I was a tad nervous. But there was no time for that. I had to get out there, mingling and answering questions while the rock band went to get changed in my room. Ah! Where did I leave my dirty…thank you, lovely hubby, for protecting my dignity!

After the amazing young dancers who led us all into the dinner, we took the stage and wallowed in the buzz that was permeating the room. It was alive! Full of writers, performers, singers, celebrities, publishers, agents, more writers…a hum of creativity as people found like minds with whom to talk.

I had particular fun with some of our overseas guests: Mykel Hawke wanted me to tell him the winner in his category so he could practise saying the name. “Only one problem with that, Mykel,” I said, “It’s a competition – I don’t know who the winner is!” But it was a fair question – the pronunciation, that is. The BWA has become so multicultural and international the names represent the world.

Hosts - Rebecca Hemmings and Sinead Gillespie

My only difficulty through the event was time-keeping: every speaker was so interesting and had so much to share about the world of words, I could have listened to each of them all night but I had to keep the slots tight! We were surrounded by the most amazing wealth of experience in so many areas, it was simply an honour to be there listening.

And on top of that I got to meet my own publishers – the delightful Ronnie and Dawn of Indigo Press.

There is one very exciting year ahead. Thanks to Imran and Brit Writers for making it possible – for me, and all the fabulous finalists and winners on Saturday night.

Ps I still want an award!!

Pps Tatiana Wilson had the best shoes!!!!

Sineads Blog

Pictures courtesy of - RKL Photography

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