Friday 18 January 2013

New Year's Resolution-Can You Keep It? by Rumki Chowdhry

When I hear these words, I think of 'starting fresh.' That is exactly what everyone wishes to do at the beginning of each year-start fresh! I consider the New Year's resolution, an adult version of a wish list for Santa. Except, the wishes aren't always materialistic and therefore, more mature.

Some people might have plans to lose a certain number of pounds/kg off their weight; others might want to change jobs, hope to finally meet 'the one' and settle down, or even promise to do better at University. New Year's resolution is not just a way to start fresh, but also a motivation for people to become the person they have have always wanted to become.

I did some research on this topic. Perhaps I was very bored or just plain interested. According to Hubpages, the top ten New Year's resolutions are to 1) Stop smoking 2) Quit drinking 3) Lose weight/Go on a diet 4) Start an exercise program/Get fit 5) Get out of debt/take control of spending  6) Eat more healthy 7) Take some Time Just for Yourself 8) Spend more quality time with the kids and family 9) Learn something new/go back to school 10) Get organized/Be on time.

According to 'Huffington Post,' 'becoming a famous actor, stroking a giraffe and doing 50 things they have never done before,' were some unusual resolutions. 

But how many people actually can tick off their wish list or resolution list? Not meaning to sound morbid, the fact is that often, I find myself making unaccomplished resolutions. At the beginning of the year, I get really hyped up and ready for action, but somewhere in the middle of the year, I find myself waning down in excitement. Some of us repeatedly vow the same resolutions at the beginning of every year and say, 'This year! Yes! This year, I will make it happen!' 

According to, nearly half of Americans make resolutions and only 8 percent of those actually achieve their resolutions!

In saying this, how many of us realize that time is limited. We do not live forever. There is no fountain of youth. We can choose to remain blissfully ignorant, but how many of us would love to say, 'I have accomplished something in my life and can die happily knowing thus.' 

What do we do about this hype that, for most, suddenly diminishes at the end of every year? We can only remind ourselves something along Gandhi's quote, 'Live today as if you were to die tomorrow.' This is reality, no matter how morose my tone might sound. This is life so live it as if you are to die even the next millisecond. Remind yourself this and hopefully, you will have accomplished your resolution and can finally say, 'Yes, I've done it!'

Brit Writers

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