Tuesday 1 January 2013

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! - New Year Resolutions

Brit Writers would like to share some of the New Year resolutions 
made by our supporters and contributors...

To learn to play my guitar.
To finish a novel.

In 2013 I hope to write more, procrastinate less and make time for the people I love. I will watch less crap telly, read better books and remember my house keys every time I go out. 

Though I have a full time job, I want to finish the draft of the book I have started in 2013.
Gauri Kanyalkar

All writers, and most other people too, know only too well the little voice inside that says: ‘Maybe you won’t, maybe you can’t, that's no good.’ Deciding to not listen to that voice in 2012 changed my life. I resolved to make the space to take my own creative wriitng more seriously, with the result that other people now take me more seriously. So for 2013? I have to continue what I started last year -- and that little voice will just have to keep on talking to itself.

My new years resolution for 2013 is to continue writing, I have started to write a fantasy book which i would love to complete. I also want to
submit my short stories and continue submitting poetry on a larger scale as i have had poetry published and had my own poetry book published of
which i am so proud I would like to work self employed as a writer and see my dreams and goals fulfilled in the future.
Susan Hymer

Get my priorities right - refuse to be constantly distracted by the demands of the day, and dedicate more of that precious time to writing Volume 2 of my trilogy.

Every New Year we all go through the same dilemma. Resolutions abound, we struggle to truly know what we need from life to make it better.

We hit the gym in January, our sweat bands creaking and groaning on our foreheads like a horrific 80's homage to Olivia Newton John. Muscles are pulled due to overzealous attempts at raising our fitness levels, eventually our gym bags lie in the corner gathering dust as we heal.
My resolution this year is to write something new every day. Complacency is not allowed in my house this year. I will be strong and avoid as many distractions as I can. I will allocate time at my desk and turn my phone off. The TV remote will disappear and life as I know it will grind to a halt. I will pour through the ventricles in my mind and clasp the written word as it comes to me, cleverly creating before it vanishes once again.

Or I might go to the gym but only after all the Christmas sweeties have been devoured - even the penny toffees and chocolate covered Brazil nuts.

Happy New Year!

Just last week an epiphany was given to me and taken quiet seriously.  I realize that for the new years I must shed old ways and no longer hold poison within blackening my mental and physical health.
Laura LaVeglia

My goal for 2013 is to keep strong in the face of all the set-backs, indifference, disappointments and difficultiies that life throws my way - both as a writer and as a human. My strength has not been much in evidence the past few days, but now I've made a start at clawing it back. I aim to persevere.
Emma woodcock

New Years Day

Brings the rising array
of peace lighted candles
to walk in warm sandals
soft sand
heaven scented land.
JoyAnne O'Donnell

For this New Year, my best wishes are that we attain shifts to a multicultural preference and the youth's option for reading over other entertainments' habits.  I'm sure that the BWA can make the difference on building this new reality
Frank Dawe - Brazil

In 2013?  I will: 
Publish my first book,
Further write.
Replace chocolate cakes with watermelon,
Keep the car in the garage, ride my bicycle very far.
Breathe each moment as the last,
Greet the sunlight, moon, and stars.
Refresh my bones,
Travel abroad.
Study the Old anew.
Aba Kadosh:
For the uniqueness of each day,
Elohim, to thee I will pray. 

To make a disciplined, rigorous and determined effort to start the book on the 1st January 2013 and finish it by September. 
A J Marshall

To read more widely, write more regularly and celebrate each success, however small. Oh, and learn not to feel personally rejected by rejection letters! 
Pat Simmons

To get a publishing contract for Nemesis: The Journey Home

To dream more, to believe more, to live more, to laugh more, to love more, to pray more and to become a better person step by step.  Helping more of those who really deserve it. I haven't lost my faith in humanity just as yet.
Bivas Ambasada

I hope to continue writing in my free time as well as keeping on top of all my work in order to gain good exam results as the end of the year.
Zainab Al-Shamary

I will spend more time on my writing, spend less time thinking of what others will think of me
Be proud of who i am, build up my courage,confidence and bravely step out into the light
I will take every opportunity to enhance my writing
I will believe in myself and not be put down by others
I won't cry because people do not care about my passion for poetry
But i will smile because i know one day i will prove them wrong
I will..
Read, believe and make them see
I will fight for what is right
My right to write
I won't give up!

Aakifah Aboobakar

In 2013, I intend to pro actively promote my writing, help my series "Questmyre" reach its full potential and fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a famous author!
Haajer Johnson

My new year's resolution is to procrastinate less.
I spent a while thinking about it too...
Matt Swan

To try harder and definitely win a Brit Writers Award this year as I
missed out last year by almost an inch!

So perhaps, you may be seeing me a just little more!

Saima Khanom

I resolve to experience as much happiness, joy and silly fits of giggles in my life as possible.

Helen Lewis

To embrace 2013 and all it brings with compassion and a good sense of humour.  

Yasir Mirza

Brit Writers

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