Saturday 1 September 2012

Clemy Thompson, Fiction author

We would like to welcome Clemy Thompson as a contributor on the Brit Writers blog. :) 

I'm Clemy, and I am an author who is fantasy based. The books I have written so far are mainly for a teenage or young adult audience, but as my writing and I grow, I should venture into different audiences and genres. I enjoy writing romance fantasy mostly as that is what I have enjoyed reading over the years.

I studied at College for my English A level, also working through 3 graphical art and design A levels at the same time! I was very busy! My art is just as much as the process as my writing is. I design every detail about the characters; the way they'll look; the way they dress; their attitudes and personalities. I design the landscapes that will be in my books and the weapons that my characters use. I make it so that I can clearly see what it is that I am writing about, and then when each series is finished, I will compile all of the corresponding sketches and illustrations into a book of their own to go alongside the novels.

I have also written some poetry recently that I hope to compile into a book next year; even if it is just to keep all my separate poems together, safe in one place.

Here's a snippet from my third book, hope you enjoy!!

Time seemed odd in the Realm of Spirits.  Bayu had soon lost track of how long he had been there. There was no sun or moon; no evidence of one day ending and another beginning. The only proof that he had been there more than several days was the tiredness that seemed to consume him, with fatigue and lethargy making it difficult for him to focus.

As well as the lack of sleep, Bayu had had little food and water, as the only items of nutrition that were available was what he could materialise. He had come to realise that he had gained the ability of manifesting objects since his departure from the Realm of Darkness. His powers could not create objects that were large in size or made from complex pieces, but food and water was able, without using too much of his reserved energy. Minimising the number of times his magic was used, Bayu tried to last as long as he could between each manifestation.

Since he had arrived, he had simply walked forwards, hoping that reaching his destination would be simpler than he anticipated it to be. He found that nothing changed however, from when he had arrived. The Realm seemed never-ending. His surroundings remained the same, like a blanket of cloud, pressuring his mind with invisible force. A painful throb seemed to constantly hammer against his temples; it strengthened the further he walked.

He stopped to take a breath, dropping his gaze as he exhaled loudly. The leather belt that hung at his waist 
caught his eye, shining with two separate glows, emanating from each of the swords in his possession. 


Well, what can I say, other than that I've come along way since my 13th birthday. 
I've been writing every step of the way. Fantasy is half of my life.

In the last 9 years, I've completed 3 fantasy novels; my first series known as The Sacred Prophecies. 
I haven't pushed it out into the world yet, but I am on my way. 

So far, the website has given me a new boost to get my books out there.
 I'll need a lot of help along the way, hope my readers will all be by my side!!


  1. Lovely to meet you Clemy, sounds like you're a real girl after my own heart, living half in fantasy half in reality! It's the best place to be. I'm really looking forward to reading your work.

  2. Hi Claire, thank you for the comment :) I must admit, i love everything fantasy and i really wouldn't be who i am without it!! I would love to have some feedback if you decide to read some of my work. The website for my books is :)I always tell people that my books improve from each one, so if you read the first one, have faith to keep going!
